
that's how old you are today!

and I love so many things about you at six!
  • you still say things the wrong way (and I don't correct you, because one day to soon, that will change)
  • your SASSY attitude!
  • you want to be a big girl but are still a little girl at heart
  • you challenge me often (just the other day you told me, you wish you were the big girl & I was the little girl)
  • If I give you a thumbs up from a distance, you give it right back to me without saying a word
  • you love anything teeny tiny!
  • sometimes when I'm driving, I put my hand in the back seat, just so we can hold hands & you do it "just because"
  • your a lovey girl! always giving hugs & kisses (even for no reason)
Happy Birthday Bugga Boo!
I love you to the moon & stars!!

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